Recent Obituaries
Table of Content Welcome to Ochalek Stark Funeral Service Veteran Funeral Services Send Flowers Cremation Services Checking if the site connection is secure At Starks Family Funeral Homes, you can honor your loved one’s funeral or cremation wishes with a farewell that reflects your cherished memories. At Starks Funeral Parlor, we are a small, tightly-knit family who are passionate about lovingly laying the departed to rest while offering peace and solace to those who mourn them. Our hearts and souls are poured into everything we do for you and we are committed to creating a deeply healing and meaningful tribute for your family. Those who entrust us with the care of their loved one will receive our inimitable service and our devoted attention. To take the first step toward peace of mind, please contact us. Send Flowers Offer a gift of comfort and beauty to a family suffering from loss. Needs to review the security of your connection before proceeding. Celebrate your loved one...